The Jeans Fit!!

Hello! It’s 7am and I’m currently in a hotel in Pleasant View, TN – right outside of Nashville. I’m on my way to Florida to spend a couple of weeks with my mom. She got really sick after the Texas trip. She and my dad drove to Texas to be with my sister and help her out for about a week before I flew down. Traveling just doesn’t sit well with my Mom anymore for some reason.

I haven’t weighed since Thursday, but I was down 30lbs and 8 more inches! I am able to fit into a pair of jeans better than when I got them almost 2 years ago! I love these jeans and I’m so happy I can actually wear them and feel comfortable!

I didn’t need to be up until 7:30 today, but the dogs really had to go out bad at 6:30 so I hopped up and took them outside. I’d really like to go back to sleep, but it’s just not worth it at this point. So I’m drinking a protein shake and decided to blog.

I was thinking I’d give you guys an example of what I eat in a day. First, I’ll give a normal day, then what I’m doing for the road trip.

Typical Day:

7:30 am wake up and drink 3-4 oz of water.

8:00 am 1or 2 eggs, depending on how hungry I am, with 1 oz cheese and/or 1/4 of an avocado.

8:40 – 10:40 – water & take multivitamin and a calcium chew (it’s like a Starburst candy)

11:00am – leftovers from dinner the night before. Lately it’s been shepherds pie and weeknight pasta fagioli 1/4-1/2 cup.

11:40-1:40 – water

2:00pm – Greek yogurt or string cheese with some deli ham or oatmeal.

2:40-4:40 – water and another calcium chew

5:00pm (this sometimes runs later, like 6 or 7 and in that case I’ll have some protein shake around 5 to get by). Dinner – I’ll cook a yummy recipe from or from a cookbook I just downloaded that is for sleeve patients.

5:40-7:40 – water

Between 8:00pm & 9:00pm sometimes I’ll have a pice of string cheese.

For my road trip:

Protein shakes, hard boiled eggs, string cheese, Colby jack cheese bars, Black Forest ham, Greek yogurt, dinner leftovers (same as mentioned above), & cottage cheese.

Wish me luck in FL. I plan on cooking a lot for my parents to help them eat better and so I can make things I can also eat. I start the “regular diet” phaze on Monday! Time to get ready to hit the road!

What do you have to say about that?