Conclusion of the Pouch Reset Diet

I promised a follow-up after I did my 5-day pouch reset so here it is. Did it work for me? Well, the easy answer is NO. The complicated answer is – it depends on what is meant by “work”.

As I said in my original post “Does the Pouch Reset Diet Work“, I did not think it was going to shrink my stomach. My intent was to hopefully reset those hormones and reset my brain when it comes to portion sizes and snacking. I have no way of knowing for sure if it reset any hormones, but I do think it helped a little with realizing that I am eating way too much and I can not only “get by” but thrive on a lot less. So, in that respect, yes it worked.

But I only lost 1 lb. Which is disheartening LOL. I have to admit, though, I did not stick to the diet 100%. I snacked on Almonds and sunflower seeds and even had some chocolate covered pretzels. I know, I’m weak!!! But one thing I’m trying to do now is eat when I’m hungry, not just because it’s time. And measuring out my portion sizes so I don’t go over 1 cup. I can easily live on a lot less than I have been eating, so I hope with these small changes I can continue to lose a little or at least stop the gain!

So, there ya have it! Does it work? Who knows – give it a try for yourself if you’re so inclined and you be the judge

What do you have to say about that?