I hate fish

I really don’t like fish, but I keep trying because I know its good for me. I like smoked salmon nigri sushi so I tried making salmon a few years ago, it sucked. Last year I tried a tilapia recipe from weight watchers, it was horrible. But alas….I must keep trying….

Tonight I chop peppers, tomatoes and squash and wrap it all up in foil with tilapia, I’m reading that I broil it for about 5 min on each side. After 15 min, its still not done. So I go to flip it and put it back in the oven and…..


And somehow I managed to break the glass on the stove, on the inside of the door. FML….I’m never making fish again!

6 thoughts on “I hate fish

  1. I am actually having tilapia for dinner tonight. How Ironic! I usually cook it in my toaster over since my family isn’t to into it. A fully defrosted filet usually cooks for me in 30 minutes @ 425 and its perfect! Donโ€™t give up on fish maybe you just need a different kind or better receipts. Good Luck!

  2. I am right there with you! I am not a fan of fish and now between the pollutants and its apparent hatred of oven windows I see no reason to try again! I’ll get my Omega 3 elsewhere :P. so sorry about your oven door, I hope it isn’t too expensive to fix!

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